12 Mar 2021

Nominations to join our wonderful and hardworking SRC will open on Monday, 15th March for all Year 7 students.
Why should you want to belong to the SRC?
- To represent your year and your school and to participate in a number of useful projects in the school and local community
- To develop leadership skills which may be beneficial when you are applying for a job or for University placement
- To improve the learning and physical environments of the school
- To develop public speaking skills and organising skills
What is your role as an SRC member?
- To perform well in the areas of leadership, citizenship, and dedication to the betterment of Engadine High School
- To actively participate in a range of SRC activities. For example, addressing Year Meetings, contributing to one major project in a school year and volunteering for school service tasks such as Orientation Day, Presentation Night, and the Linkages Program
- To canvass the opinions of your fellow students on various issues and relate these to the School Executive
What are your responsibilities as an SRC member?
- To be a positive role model for other students
- To be loyal to EHS and represent our school to the community in a positive way
- To maintain consistently high standards of behaviour and uniform within the school and in public
- To encourage students to discuss with you issues which are of concern to them
Interested students are encouraged to pick up a nomination form from the Library, Year Advisers or from the website in Forms and Notes.
Nominations close on Wednesday, 24th March and voting will take place on Monday, 29th March.
Any questions please see the SRC Coordinators.
Ms Miller, Mrs Annan and Mr Nigro