30 Apr 2021

Learning Labs is a holiday program open to students with a school recommendation.
If you require a school recommendation, this is easily arranged through Ms Lavidis in the Science Faculty.
- Creative Kids vouchers are accepted for certain workshops. The full workshop descriptions will outline which workshops are eligible. This may cover the cost of a one day program. https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-creative-kids-voucher
- All students must bring their own morning tea, lunch, drink bottle, hat and sunscreen.
Wollongong Campus Dates
Little Learning Labs (Years 1 and 2): 28th– 30th June 2021 (Monday – Wednesday)
Early Learning Labs (Years 3 to 6): 6th– 8th July 2021 (Tuesday – Thursday)
Learning Labs (Years 7 to 10): 30th June – 2nd July 2021 (Wednesday-Friday)
Here is the Year 7 – 10 Program:
BUILDING WITH BLENDER PRESENTER: LOST NIGHT STUDIOS | YEARS 7 – 10 Want to design spaceships, or help make animated films and video games? In this class, you’ll learn technical computer skills and create your own 3D models, a skill which you can continue to practice at home for free thanks to Blender being freely available for download. Students will also get a chance to bring home a 3D printed name tag, and you will be able to keep the Blender files if you bring a USB.
CREATIVE WRITING FOR BEGINNERS & BEYOND PRESENTER: TIMOTHY DALY & PETER MCLEOD | YEARS 7 – 10 Want to learn powerful and contemporary writing styles from one of Australia’s most experienced teachers of writing, the multi-award winning playwright Timothy Daly? Well join this hands-on workshop which will give you writing techniques for use in any medium you’re interested in. With attention given to short story, short film and theatre writing, you’ll learn to use language in a fresh and innovating way.
HISTORY – WEIRD, WILD CONSPIRACIES PRESENTER: STEPHEN BROWN | YEARS 7 – 10 What’s your theory on the assassination of JFK? Was Marilyn Monroe’s death as it seemed or was there a cover up by the FBI and the government? In this workshop we’ll be looking into some of the most famous conspiracies and unpacking why and how conspiracy theories actually emerge. Even in the face of strong evidence, why do some people continue to believe wild and wacky conspiracies as fact? It’s time to find out.
INSPIRED CREATIVE WRITING PRESENTER: DAVID STRANGE | YEARS 8 – 10 Do you love writing short stories and creative pieces? Are you curious to know how top level high school students earn the highest possible marks in creative writing in NAPLAN and the HSC? This two day workshop will focus on strategies for students to write an inspired and professionally-crafted short story with high level techniques including characterisation, motif, symbolism and foreshadowing devices. It will be conducted by a current HSC English teacher and marker who will prepare students for writing engaging and powerful narratives in the high school context. Be inspired to tell your story!
INTRO TO VIRTUAL REALITY DEVELOPMENT PRESENTER: DEVIKA | YEARS 8 – 10 NON-STANDARD FEE $200 If you want to move into the virtual reality space, you have to start with the basics, and the first step is to learn how to develop content using ‘Unity.’ That is what this workshop is all about – using ‘Unity’ on PCs to create your very own virtual world. You’ll learn vital skills in coding, content production, design and more and understand how virtual reality is relevant today. You’ll use a VR headset at times but first things first – let’s learn how to build a virtual world.
AN INTRODUCTION TO BUILDING VIDEO GAMES PRESENTER: ALEXANDER KELLY | YEARS 7 – 10 We all love video games! They’re one of the most popular forms of entertainment across the globe – so – keen to make your own? This workshop is a crash course introduction into the world of game construction. Learn to draw your own game art, create your own special effects and of course, tie it all together with some programming! Time to construct your own game!
MATHEMATICS INVESTIGATIONS PRESENTER: NILESH VYAS | YEARS 7 – 8 Do you enjoy mathematics and want to take it to the next level? In this fun and hands-on workshop, you’ll be testing your problem solving skills, reasoning and functionality with mathematic investigations and modelling. In small groups and on your own, you’ll enrich your higher-order thinking skills with challenging and fun activities all about math!
MYTHBUSTING PHYSICS PRESENTER: MICHAEL VALCESKI & SARAH VOGEL | YRS 7 – 8 Physics – it’s a mysterious area that influences our everyday life with possibilities and impossibilities. Want to know which is which? Want to know if the things you have seen in the movies are possible or impossible? We’ll break it down for you in this workshop – looking at common misconceptions and impossibilities in the world. Then we’ll move into the real world of physics with demonstrations, hands-on activities and a focus on mechanics and waves! 2 DAY WORKSHOPS 1-2 JULY 2021 CK
C R E A T I V E K I D S V O U C H E R A C C E P T E D CK Learning Labs Years 7 – 10 CK CK CK CK 1 DAY WORKSHOPS 30 JUNE 2021 OCEAN ENGINEERING PRESENTER: ASHLEY HEATH | YEARS 8 – 10 Picture this – building your own remote controlled sailing vessel, which has to be strong enough to carry cargo in a simulated ocean generated by the UOW wave maker!! Well you won’t have to picture it if you join in this workshop because that is exactly what you’ll be doing! You’ll learn engineering methods to ensure your vessel is up to the journey (hydrodynamics, hydrofoils, structural resonance and balancing forces and torques). You’ll also learn about wave dynamics and ocean environments. If you like designing and building, you’re going to love this workshop!
THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE SPORT PRESENTER: SHANNON ROULSTON | YEARS 7 – 10 Have you ever wanted to learn more about YOU? Join this unique and interactive workshop on human anatomy and physiology and discover what makes you tick. Focusing on the physiological components of movement and performance, students will be given the opportunity to not only learn the theoretical science of the human body, but also verify the content through experimentation, measurement, observation and comparison. You will have the opportunity to be working in our physiology labs like our University students. Ideal for a broad range of students with interests from sports to medicine and beyond.
BUILDING A STORY PRESENTER: HELENA FOX | YEARS 7 – 10 The process of story writing has quite a few steps—from the first glimpse of an idea to the creation of a polished ‘finished’ product. In this workshop, we will explore what’s involved in building a story. We will play with opening lines, talk about when to plot and when to let your mind run loose, and how to joyfully edit and polish your work. The workshop will be a fun way to walk through the story process—the daydreaming, the experimentation, the laying down of pieces, and the honing—and we’ll see how each step can be enjoyed and even celebrated.
HEARTBEATS, BREATHING AND BONES: ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY PRESENTER: THERESA LARKIN | YEARS 7 – 10 If you are interested in the human body and how it functions, or are thinking about a career as a nurse, doctor or health researcher then this workshop will be a fantastic introduction. You’ll be introduced to the Anatomy lab to learn about muscles, and the heart and lungs. We will also examine bones and the skeleton, and cardiovascular function in the Physiology lab.
HOW COMPUTERS THINK PRESENTER: ASHLEY HEATH | YEARS 7 – 10 Computers rule our lives, yet most of us have no idea what makes them tick. In this workshop you learn about basic circuits, adding and subtracting binary numbers, analysing logic diagrams, and how to write basic programs. You will learn this skills this through lots of easy and fun hands on activities. The final activity will have you writing computer code to control lights, motors, buzzers and mini screens.
THE WORLD OF SCIENCE: THE MAD CHEMIST PRESENTER:ROZA DIMESKA | YEARS 7 – 10 If you are curious about science and particularly in chemistry, have a desire to work in a chemical laboratory or are planning on doing science degree, then this workshop will be great for you. This hands-on workshop will provide opportunities to perform interesting experiments in a safe environment that will explain some chemical theories, provide introduction to chemical techniques that are used in the industry and give you an opportunity to be the Mad Chemist.
VISUAL STORYTELLING PRESENTER: MARCELO BAEZ | YEARS 7 – 10 In this workshop you’ll be working with Marcelo Baez, a professional illustrator and comic artist. This workshop will teach you the basics of visual storytelling for comics and graphic novels, this is a hands on dynamic workshop that will explore creative techniques used in the industry.
Learning Labs (Years 7 – 10) – 2 day workshops
2 Day Worksheet – 1-2 July 2021 9 am to 3:30 pm $185 – 200
Mini-Labs (Years 7 – 10) – 1 day workshops 30 June 2021 9 am to 3:30 pm $100
Creative Kids vouchers are accepted for certain workshops. The full workshop descriptions will outline which workshops are eligible. All students must bring their own morning tea, lunch, drink bottle, hat and sunscreen.