28 May 2021

2021 National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) was out of this world! This year Philip Bunting’s picture book “Give Me Some Space” was launched into space and landed at the International Space Station. NASA Astronaut, Dr Shannon Walker read the story live to an amazing 1,980,280 participants at 33,418 locations in schools, homes, hospitals and centres across Australia.
As well as being entertained by Philip’s story about Una and her quest to find life in space, students from our Support Unit were fascinated by Shannon’s “zero gravity” storytelling and interesting information about space, planets and stars.
Students were able to recall many facts about space and were challenged to investigate for themselves three things that would make life in space possible.
NSS promotes reading and literacy and highlights Australian authors. It allows children and adults from all backgrounds to participate in the joy of reading.
Ms Tracey Miller (Teacher Librarian), Mrs Kerry Bell and Mrs Sandra Zantides (Library Assistants)