14 May 2021

Vivien Van Luyt from Year 11 has been selected on application to attend the NSW Youth Parliament. This is a wonderful achievement, and we extend our congratulations to Vivien.
The Y NSW Youth Parliament is an empowerment and advocacy program that provides a platform for young people to have their voices heard through legislative debate and decision making.
Aimed at young people in Years 10, 11 and 12 or equivalent age throughout the state, the Y NSW Youth Parliament highlights the power of young people speaking on issues that are important to them.
Every participant’s potential to lead, learn and connect is nurtured through parliamentary education, community engagement, confidence building and teamwork. They develop their skills in creating social impact and positive change in a safe and supportive environment.
Since its beginning in 2002, approximately six pieces of the Y NSW Youth Parliament youth legislation have been passed into NSW Law, including the recent Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme.
Vivien is currently participating in online training and will attend a residential camp in July. The camp will take place at Yarramundi. Participant’s will meet face to face with the volunteer taskforce, their committees, and all other Youth MPs. Participants will also engage in recreational activities across the week. Four days will be spent at NSW Parliament House debating in the Legislative Assembly in front of NSW MPs and community leaders.
We extend our thanks to Mr Lee Evans MP for kindly sponsoring Vivien to participate in this program and offering her a private guided tour of Parliament House.