25 Jun 2021

This week Year 7 students displayed their work for the 2021 Year 7 Genre Convention. This was a fun task where students were able to put their knowledge on genre to good use; selecting their favourite genre, researching associated conventions, creating a range of written and visual texts, and creating a ‘stall’ to showcase their designs. Students verbally presented their work to other classes from around the school. Many students dressed up, with others creating narratives, reading love poems, confounding us with detective-like mazes that were difficult to navigate, impressing us with beautifully decorated (and individually wrapped) cupcakes that explored their chosen genre…with every stall engaging audiences with a fresh approach to showcasing their favourite genre.
'This was SO much fun. Can we do this again?'
- 7B English
There were prizes for the most dedicated, and most creative groups in each class. The designs were amazing, and congratulations goes out to all, especially the tireless efforts of group captains, who organised their teams and helped oversee the critical planning and design phases. Well done, Year 7!