10 Mar 2022

The Engadine High School P&C AGM for 2022 will be held on Wednesday 16th March 2022. This will be followed by a General Meeting.
Date: Wednesday 16th March
Time: 7pm
Venue: EHS Library. Please enter by the Porter Rd gates that are closest to the highway.
All positions will be declared vacant at the AGM, and several of our current office-bearers will be finishing their days at Engadine High school after this meeting.
We would love to see both returning and new faces, and would like to take this opportunity to ask you to consider taking on one of the office-Bearer positions, or simply becoming a member of the P&C. The P&C is always a driving force in a school, however it is only as strong and committed as its membership. It is a fantastic way to become better acquainted with the inner workings of the school, and to support your children in their education. Research has proven that parental involvement has an important and positive effect on a child’s academic and social development, and we invite you to take this opportunity to be part of that positive effect.
Please read through the information below regarding office-bearer positions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sharon Harrison, the current President, through the school email.
Office-bearers are elected at a P&C Association’s annual general meeting. Only financial P&C members are eligible to stand for these positions.
A President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer will be elected, as per the standard and prescribed constitutions.
No more than one officer position can be held by the same person.
Members of the same family can hold office-bearer positions at the same time.
Office-bearers can be elected regardless of their place or type of employment.
Employees of the P&C Association are not permitted to hold an office-bearer or executive position with the association.
If an office-bearer position becomes vacant between annual general meetings, the position is to be filled through an election at any general meeting.
In the absence of a canteen committee, office-bearers, as a group, are responsible for the management of the canteen.
Signatories to all P&C financial accounts, including sub-committees, are the officers of the P&C Association (President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer).
Thank you and hope to see you at the meeting!
Sharon Harrison
P&C President