Anti-Bullying Round table invitation with the Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People
19 Jun 2022
This week Jack (Year 9) was invited to join an Anti-Bullying roundtable in the ACYP (Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People). He had the opportunity to speak to the Hon. Sarah Mitchell MP, Minister for Education and Early Learning, Simone Walker, Group Deputy Secretary School Improvement and Hon. Minister Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government.
They discussed important issues such as ‘What is Bullying?’, ‘What should schools do about Bullying?’, and the impact of social media on bullying’.
What a fantastic experience! Jack has since been informed that they would like him to join them for upcoming events and future initiatives.
We are certainly excited for Jack’s future, not only setting goals for himself, but also being a proud representative of Engadine High School and public education.
Well done Jack!
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