Engadine High School

Telephone02 9520 0411


Student wellbeing

A Safe Environment

Our mission is to support a school wide strategy that enhances the wellbeing of young people to dream, believe and succeed. 

We build partnerships across the school community in a collaborative and nurturing environment to develop positivity and connectedness in a holistic manner. The Wellbeing team works collaboratively to acknowledge student strengths, developing a culture of resilient learners who thrive and succeed within the school.

Student wellbeing is fundamental to ensuring young people embrace learning, develop resilience, and become confident and informed citizens in our global community. The Wellbeing programs in our school enhance students’ self-efficacy, love of learning, and sense of belonging. This is why our students thrive in our educational environment and find success when they transition beyond our school.

One area that continues to challenge students is the safe and respectful use of digital technologies. Social media has changed the way we think about using information, relating to each other and our ideas of community. Through wellbeing discussions at camps, year meetings, presentations by outside agencies and one-on-one conversations our Wellbeing Team help to build our students’ resilience and empower them to make positive choices. These valuable experiences assist our school community in working towards our students becoming responsible digital citizens. We teach them the tools to keep themselves safe online and to empower them to succeed and thrive in life within and beyond the school.

The Welfare Team

Engadine High School believes in supporting students to learn in a safe, nurturing environment so that they can achieve the best possible outcomes. This is a key target of the Wellbeing Team. The Wellbeing Team is a committed group who understand that each student brings a different set of experiences, knowledge and skills to school with them, and understanding these are essential to planning the learning needs of students and their wellbeing. They fully understand the interrelationship between school and home, and how they may impact on each other.

The team consists of the Head Teacher Wellbeing, Year Advisors, Assistant Year Advisors, School Counsellors, Careers Advisor, Learning Support staff and two Deputy Principals. The team works closely in partnership with staff, parents, caregivers and outside school services in order to foster student resilience. In daily interactions with students and through individual and whole-school programs, students are taught to be compassionate, self-aware, to be accountable for their choices, and to make sense of their world.

The school works in close association with outside agencies to provide additional support to meet student needs. Our primary concern is that all students’ needs are addressed and that school is a fun, happy and healthy environment for our entire student body where every child is known, valued and cared for.

Welfare Initiatives

The start of high school is an exciting transition. Our Wellbeing Team pairs a group of Year 7 students with Year 11 students who act as their peer support mentors and role models. These role models have been trained to offer support, friendship and general guidance when students are first navigating high school.

Once students have settled in, they attend the much-loved Year 7 camp where they enjoy numerous sporting challenges and build positive relationships with friends and staff. Whilst on camp, students participate in specific wellbeing activities targeted at helping them understand risk taking, responsible use of social media platforms, inclusiveness and resilience.

Year 7 are guided through their first year by involved and dedicated Year Advisors who are there to support students with all their needs.

Students going through Year 8 will be supported and aided by their Year Advisor and Year Advisor Assistant and are encouraged to accept more responsibility and leadership at school so that they can begin to act as leaders and mentors for the Year 7 cohort. Building confidence and team work through the Phoenix Project is a key focus for building resilience and collaborative skills that will benefit their wellbeing as they begin to make more independent choices such as elective courses. Year 8 students are advised about cyber bullying through the Verbal Combat program in addition to the safe use and interactions with social media through the Police Liaison Officer. Finally, students have the opportunity to work closely with mentors through the Youth Frontiers Project which aims to strengthen students’ interactions with their local community.

Dedicated support from the Year Advisor, Year Advisor Assistant and the Wellbeing Head Teacher assist Year 9 students through this sometimes difficult adolescent year. Students participate in specific wellbeing activities throughout the year, with the Wellbeing team working closely with outside agencies to help students understand risk taking, social media, developing leadership skills, inclusiveness and resilience. Year 9 students participate in a Wellbeing Day that aims to deliver differentiated messages to students which will support their skill set and development throughout their future years.  

Important messages and notices are conveyed through the Monday Morning Year Meeting and student's achievements are acknowledged in front of their peers. In this way, students develop a sense of belonging with their year group and support each other in their individual and collective successes. Students are regularly encouraged by their Year Advisors to embrace the school culture, find their passion and get involved in as many aspects of schooling life that they can.

Students in Year 10 are treated and respected as seniors, and therefore, begin to adopt leadership roles within the school. The Wellbeing Team and Year Advisors guide them through this transition and help them cope with the challenges that these teenage years may bring. This year is crucial in terms of students completing their ROSA, or seeking post-school opportunities. The Year Advisor and Year Advisor Assistant are able to guide students through senior school assessment procedures as well as assist them in working towards acquiring a positive school-life balance.

Students are given a number of opportunities to participate in work experience and TAFE Vet courses. There are also motivational speaker incursions, targeted wellbeing programs and the students are also invited to participate in a Peer Support Camp targeted at their leadership skills and wellbeing.

With the commencement of senior study patterns and preparation for the HSC beginning, Year 11 students are carefully monitored and assisted by the Year Advisor and Year Advisor Assistant. Students are given information on mental health issues that teenagers can face and are encouraged to participate in study skills and wellbeing days addressing issues related to added pressures and complexities of students’ young lives. The Wellbeing Team offers Year 11 students the chance to be Peer Support Mentors for Year 7 students. During this time, they display leadership, responsibility and foster positive interactions within the school community. In collaboration with the PDHPE Faculty the Wellbeing Team assist in the facilitation of the Year 11 the ‘Cross Roads Camp’, which is specifically targeted at student wellbeing and managing peer pressure. During the camp, they learn the skills required to have a healthy school-life balance and help them prepare for the challenges of the HSC.

Year 12 is an exciting year, full of stimulating challenges and opportunities for achievement. The dedicated Wellbeing Team acknowledges this and seeks to mentor and guide the students, helping them foster their skills in resilience and focus. Students are taught that stress is very normal but it requires careful management.

The Year 12 Year Advisor and Assistant know their students well and can guide them every step of the way through the HSC course to prepare them for a rewarding future. By Year 12, students are taking leadership roles within the school and work with staff to create an inclusive and enjoyable school environment. Year 12 students are offered extensive help with study, preparation for exams, time management and how to manage the pressures they may experience during the HSC.