28 May 2021

In 2021 our Year 10 debating team has represented Engadine High School in two different debating competitions so far – the Premiers Debating Challenge and the Sutherland Shire Debating Competition. Continuing a fabulous track record in 2020, we are undefeated in three debates this year against Gymea, Menai and Inaburra high schools, and look forward to debating other teams in the coming rounds of both competitions.
This year we have been able to debate Gymea Technology High School in person, whilst our other debates against Inaburra and Menai high schools have been online via Zoom. Although debating online doesn’t allow the kind of camaraderie that in-person debates allow for, we understand is useful when adjudicators or other teams can’t physically make it to a debate. These last two debates were quite challenging with the adjudication being very close calls, but we have been able to be successful whilst continuing to improve technically, grow as a team and develop our debating skills. Both competitions are elimination rounds from here on, and there are only a few more debates in each competition until the finals.
We would not have been able to make it this far without the help and support of Mr Steffen and the other Engadine High School debating teams, including those who were generous enough to chair our more recent debates.
Tamara, Emma, Charlotte and Jessica (Year 10)