24 Feb 2021

EHS encourages all students in Years 7, 8 and 9 and the Support Unit (all year groups) to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge.
The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely.
The PRC opens on Monday, 1st March and closes on Friday, 20th August. Students are reminded any books read since September 2020 can be included in this year’s challenge.
Students are responsible for keeping their Personal Reading Logs up to date. These can be found on the PRC website.
Time will be allocated in Year 7 and 8 and Support Unit Library Literacy lessons to update records and borrow books from our extensive collection.
Special exemptions for current Year 10 students:
All Year 10 students can participate in the PRC this year. Any Year 10 student who received a medal in 2020 will not be eligible for one this year, however, any student who would have received a medal in 2020 but did not complete the challenge due to COVID-19 restrictions, will become eligible for a medal if they complete the PRC this year.
NEW BOOKLIST – 9plus for mature readers
The books that were previously included on the 7-9 booklist and marked as Mature Reads have now been moved to a separate booklist. Called the 9plus booklist, these titles are only able to be counted as PRC books by students on the 7-9 challenge, to reflect the mature themes and content that are suitable for students in high school.
If your child is new to EHS they need to let Ms Miller know so their PRC records from previous schools can be merged.
By entering the Challenge, you may receive a PRC certificate with your name and school printed on it. The Premier’s Reading Challenge no longer lists student names on an Honour Roll, however there may be opportunities for students to be recognised through media publications or through the school’s own newsletters and communications. No student names and/or details will be published publicly without prior consent from parents/ carers.
The certificates you can receive for completing the Challenge are:
- Year of completing PRC Award received
- First year Challenge completion certificate
- Second year Challenge completion certificate
- Third year Challenge completion certificate
- Fourth year Gold certificate
- Fifth year Challenge completion certificate
- Sixth year Challenge completion certificate
- Seventh year Platinum certificate
- Eight year Challenge completion certificate
- Ninth year Challenge completion certificate
- Tenth year Challenge completion certificate
- Every year from Year 3 to Year 9 (inclusive).
- Therefore, only Year 9 students are eligible,
- along with year 10 students in 2021 (please see explanation above).
Let’s get reading everyone!
See the Library staff if you need assistance.
Ms Tracey Miller
Teacher Librarian and PRC Coordinator