25 Feb 2021

Indigenous pathways manager Dean Widders, Indigenous women’s All Stars centre Shaylee Bent and Storm winger Josh Addo-Carr joined students online for a yarning circle as part of the NRL’s School to Work program last week. A number of Aboriginal students and their friends thoroughly enjoyed hearing from “the Fox” and Shaylee in the lead up to the All-Stars game on the weekend.
Shaylee was a keen participant of the NRL School 2 Work program when she attended school. All our Year 11 and 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students participate in the program under the experienced guidance of Tayla Kafoa our Project Officer. For events such as the Yarning Circle students are invited to bring along a buddy to share the experience.
Some wise words from Josh Addo-Carr:
“You either want it or you don’t. If you are going something you may as well be the best. Give it a red-hot crack! Keep going! Don’t give up!”
See the video for an insight into Aboriginal Yarning Circles, explained by Dean Widders.