Engadine High School

Telephone02 9520 0411



The School Uniform

We ask all our students to wear their uniform with pride and dignity and strongly understand that untidy dress or misbehaviour whilst dressed in the school uniform brings discredit to the school, themselves and parents. All students are required to wear the correct school uniform every day.

Schools expect students to wear the uniform during school hours, while travelling to and from school, and when engaged in school activities out of school hours, as per Department of Education policy.

The P&C School Uniform Shop

The school uniform shop is located in A Block where all items of the school uniform may be purchased. The Uniform Shop is open on Monday between 8.00am and 2:00pm and Wednesday between 8.00am and 2:00pm.

How to Order Uniform Items

Parents and Carers can visit the EHS P&C Uniform shop between 8.00am and 2:00pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Unaccompanied students can visit the shop from 8.00am until roll call and during recess and lunch. 

Parents and Carers also are able to purchase uniforms online via Flexischools.  To use this service, download the Flexischools App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Details on how to set up an account can be found at https://www.flexischools.com.au/

Please note that we can no longer accept credit card details in writing or over the phone.

Uniform Policy

Engadine High School has a strict Uniform Policy which has been ratified by the P&C.

All students are expected to wear the correct uniform.

Uniform passes are issued to students who are out of uniform during roll call by roll call teachers. It is the responsibility of the student to indicate to the roll teacher if a pass is required. Students should keep this pass on them for the whole day, to produce on request, or another incident will be recorded. If required, a long term pass may be issued by the uniform coordinator or Wellbeing Team.

Students must have a note, signed and dated by a parent or guardian, stating the reason for being out of uniform and in the case of special consideration for medical reasons, the date(s) required for exemption. After three occasions of requiring a uniform pass (without bringing a valid note) ‘Unsatisfactory’ will be included on the student’s report and a Tuesday After School Detention issued.

Students cannot receive permission to wear incorrect footwear, sloppy joes or coloured under-garments.  Students may borrow or buy acceptable uniform items from the school to ensure that they comply with the uniform policy. The office keeps a supply of donated uniform items for this purpose including shoes of all sizes. Students are encouraged to obtain correct items before roll call to avoid penalty. Situations of special circumstances should be referred to the Wellbeing Team or uniform coordinator via a note from the parent or caregiver.

Some examples of acceptable and unacceptable shoes are shown below.

The school shirt or blouse must be worn every day except on sports day for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. All buttons are to be done up (except the top button for the collared shirt). The Sports Uniform can ONLY be worn on sport days (Wednesday) and during PE lessons. Only concealed short sleeved or singlet style, plain white or flesh coloured undergarments are to be worn under the school shirt or blouse.

Visible, long sleeve or coloured or printed tops under school shirts or blouses are NOT acceptable. 

Trousers and pants should be hemmed neatly and sit on the shoe in such a way that does not create a potential trip hazard. Hems should not be altered or rolled so that the socks are deliberately visible.

The dress and/or skirt can be worn in summer, and during winter with black stockings/ tights. Dresses and skirts should be hemmed at approximately 10 cm above the knee as this is an appropriate length.

Students in Years 7-10 are expected to wear the full sports uniform on Wednesdays and during PE/PASS practical lessons. The sports uniform can be worn to and from school on sports day, or to school if students have a PE practical lesson period 1, and after school if students have PE practical period 6. If a student has a PE class during other periods of the day, they are expected to wear their school uniform to school and change for their PE lesson and then change back into their school uniform after the lesson.

The blue school tracksuit pants may be worn on Wednesday (Sport) or during timetabled PE lessons. 

Tracksuit pants must not be worn in place of the mainstream uniform.  Trousers/pants are available to purchase for students needing extra warmth during the cooler months.

Tracksuit pants are NOT part of Year 11 and 12 uniform, unless involved in practical PE lessons or sporting activities.

There are 2 jacket  options that students have the choice to wear in summer and winter.  The microfibre is the lighter jacket.  The soft shell jacket is the warmer option.  Both jackets are embroidered with the school logo. Either jacket can be worn over the school jumper.

The jumpers are a poly/cotton blend with the school logo. "Sloppy joe" or "hoodie" style jumpers are not permitted, under or over the school jumper, at any time. Students wearing such clothing will be required to remove it and offered a loaned replacement uniform, if available. Students may wear the school jumper under a jacket if extra warmth is required.

Completely black leather, plain, fully enclosed, lace up school shoes are the only acceptable style shoe. Coloured logos are not permitted. Students wearing incorrect school shoes will be required to borrow a pair of appropriate shoes from the front office to wear for the day. "Ballet", "Boots" and "volley" style canvas shoes are not permitted at any time as they do not offer the appropriate protection in an educational setting. On sport days, students in Years 7-10 wear fully enclosed joggers. Students in Years 7-10 must also bring their leather shoes or borrow gaitors if they have a practical lesson on sport days.

According to Department of Education policy: Areas where enclosed leather footwear (or other material confirmed by the manufacturer to be suitable, refer to Australian/NZ Standard 2210: Safety Protective and Occupational Footwear) is required are:

  • Industrial Arts and trades workshop areas
  • Science laboratories
  • Canteen or Food Technology (kitchen areas)

Non - leather-like materials eg. Canvas or fabric, or damaged footwear are not permitted as they do not comply with WHS requirements in a high school educational setting.

Students requiring special consideration for footwear due to medical reasons, such as injury, need to provide documentation for exemption. This is done through the Wellbeing Team. On some occasions students may need to be excluded from the specialist room due to WHS requirements.

All socks are plain white and must be calf length. Sport anklet socks, insignias or stripes are not allowed at any time. Black or coloured socks are not permitted.

All jewellery must be discreet and adhere to work health and safety guidelines. Students with visible piercing can only wear sleepers or studs. Students who are wearing excessive jewellery will be asked to remove the items.

Make-up is to be minimal and fingernails should be natural or lightly coloured and short. Long fingernails pose a serious safety risk in a school setting. Students will be asked to remove such accessories or excessive make-up.

The school scarf can be worn during winter. The bringing of coloured items such as scarves, beanies and blankets during cold weather is not acceptable. Warmer options such as the school jacket are recommended.

Summer / winter uniform

Summer Uniform

  • Sky blue shirt with school logo on left pocket
  • Navy tailored shorts (no elastic waist)
  • Sky blue blouse with logo on left pocket
  • Pleated checked skirt
  • Tailored shorts (optional)
  • Dress (optional) Years 7 - 12 - Hem to be no more than 10cm above the knee
  • Plain white, calf-length socks are the only acceptable style. Motifs and stripes are not accepted. Sport anklet socks are not allowed.
  • All black leather, lace-up, fully enclosed school shoes
  • School tie (optional)

Winter Uniform

  • Sky blue shirt with school logo on left pocket
  • Navy uniform tailored trousers or tailored shorts
  • Sky blue blouse with logo on left pocket
  • Pleated checked skirt
  • Long navy tailored pants
  • Dress (optional) Years 7 – 12. Hem to be no more than 10cm above the knee
  • Navy V-neck knitted jumper with School logo
  • Navy, buttoned cardigan with school logo

  • Black stockings
  • School scarf is the only acceptable scarf
  • School tie (optional)
  • Navy mircofibre jacket or soft-shell jacket can be worn over school jumper.
  • Plain white, calf-length socks are the only acceptable style. Motifs and stripes are not accepted. Sport anklet socks are not allowed.
  • All black leather, lace-up, fully enclosed school shoes

Summer Uniform

  • White shirt with school logo on left pocket

  • Navy tailored shorts (no elastic waist)
  • White blouse with school logo on left pocket

  • Navy blue pleated skirt

  • Tailored shorts (optional)
  • Dress (optional) Years 7 – 12. Hem to be no more than 10cm above the knee

  • Navy V-neck knitted jumper with school logo

  • Navy mircofibre jacket or soft-shell jacket can be worn over school jumper

  • Plain white, calf-length socks are the only acceptable style. Motifs and stripes are not accepted. Sport anklet socks are not allowed.

  • All black leather, lace-up, fully enclosed school shoes

Winter Uniform

  • White shirt with school logo on left pocket

  • Navy tailored shorts or tailored trousers
  • White blouse with school logo on left pocket

  • Navy blue pleated skirt

  • Navy V-neck knitted jumper with school logo

  • Dress (optional) Years 7 – 12. May be worn in winter with black tights/ stockings. Hem to be no more than 10cm above the knee.

  • School tie(optional)

  • Black stockings

  • School scarf

  • Navy mircofibre jacket or soft-shell jacket can be worn over school jumper

  • Plain white, calf-length socks are the only acceptable style. Motifs and stripes are not accepted. Sport anklet socks are not allowed.

  • All black leather, lace-up, fully enclosed school shoes

  • Navy/Light blue collared mesh polo shirt and navy mircofibre shorts
  • Plain white, calf-length socks are the only acceptable style. Motifs and stripes are not accepted. Sport anklet socks are not allowed.
  • Leather sports shoes or joggers (no canvas shoes)
  • Approved Engadine High School tracksuit for sport day is the ONLY acceptable item if a student wishes to wear a tracksuit.