Engadine High School has a strict Uniform Policy which has been ratified by the P&C.
All students are expected to wear the correct uniform.
Uniform passes are issued to students who are out of uniform during roll call by roll call teachers. It is the responsibility of the student to indicate to the roll teacher if a pass is required. Students should keep this pass on them for the whole day, to produce on request, or another incident will be recorded. If required, a long term pass may be issued by the uniform coordinator or Wellbeing Team.
Students must have a note, signed and dated by a parent or guardian, stating the reason for being out of uniform and in the case of special consideration for medical reasons, the date(s) required for exemption. After three occasions of requiring a uniform pass (without bringing a valid note) ‘Unsatisfactory’ will be included on the student’s report and a Tuesday After School Detention issued.
Students cannot receive permission to wear incorrect footwear, sloppy joes or coloured under-garments. Students may borrow or buy acceptable uniform items from the school to ensure that they comply with the uniform policy. The office keeps a supply of donated uniform items for this purpose including shoes of all sizes. Students are encouraged to obtain correct items before roll call to avoid penalty. Situations of special circumstances should be referred to the Wellbeing Team or uniform coordinator via a note from the parent or caregiver.
Some examples of acceptable and unacceptable shoes are shown below.