12 Mar 2021

On Monday 8th March, we were lucky enough to be a part of the International Women’s Day Young Women’s Seminar held in the State Parliament of NSW. Two female students in Year 11 were chosen by each school to attend, and we were so happy to be chosen from a ballot of many, many schools who nominated students.
We had such a wonderful experience meeting new people who also wish to be in positions of leadership when they grow up, and also listening to the keynote speaker Rae Cooper, a Professor of gender, work and employment relations at The University of Sydney. She spoke of her life and background, and how being a woman and also studying gender has affected her pathway in life, and what we should expect to deal with on occasion in the workplace.
After Ms Cooper spoke, three Members of Parliament came into the chamber, acting as a panel for our questions. Unfortunately, we were not selected to ask any questions of the panel, but listening to the interesting questions of other students and insightful answers by the three MP’s was very worthwhile. The three MP’s were Catherine Cusack of the Liberal Party, Rose Jackson of the Labour Party, and Abigail Boyd of the Greens Party, who were all incredibly enthusiastic and inspiring.
We hope this seminar will continue to run for future female students, as it was an amazing day that we will remember forever. The advice that was given to us was very valuable and we are so glad we had the opportunity to attend.
Our friends from Year 11 were able to follow the proceedings virtually which was also very special.
By Paige Clifford and Eleanor Long
Year 11