At Engadine High School, our students build their critical thinking and problem solving skills through their experiences in Science. We want our students to understanding the natural world by utilising scientific ideas and processes.
Engadine students have achieved excellent results in all levels of Science, from the HSC to Year 7 VALID. Our students have consistently achieved above or at the state average in Physics and Biology with outstanding results in Chemistry. This tradition has continued with implementation of the New HSC in 2018, with students in the new course, Investigating Science, also performing well. This has seen the introduction of Extension Science for 2020.
We emphasise a hands-on approach to learning in Science. Digital technology features regularly in our classrooms through Moodle, Google classroom and BYOD devices. Our Junior Science programs are designed to build and develop student skills to prepare them for both Year 12 and the real world beyond the classroom.
The broad variety of stage 6 Sciences allows all students at Engadine High School to extend their interests and abilities to prepare themselves for tertiary education and career opportunities. At Engadine High School, students perform at or above stage average in all course. Physics and Chemistry are considered the most appropriate courses for students planning a science or mathematically based tertiary pathway, while Biology, Investigating Science and Earth and Environmental Science cater to the needs and interests of a broader range of students. The introduction of Extension Science for 2020 is indicative of the excellence in Science achieved by Science students.
Numerous incursions, excursions and special events extend the experience for our students. Students may participate in activities such as the ICAS competitions, forensics days, engineering challenges, Science Week Primary School visits, UoW’s Learning Labs holiday programs, Victor Chang awards and university based work experience programs. The Science Faculty also supports many ATSI based activities such as the Indigenous Students STEM camp.