18 Sep 2023

What an incredible day it has been at EHS as our school community came together to celebrate Footy Colours Day! The school was ablaze with team spirit as students and staff proudly donned their team colours, creating a vibrant atmosphere. Our amazing students and teachers sweated it out in the heat to participate in an exhilarating soccer competition. The day was also about giving back. We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to your generosity and support, we raised over $1000 for the Fight Cancer Foundation. This incredible organisation helps get kids living with cancer back to school, making a real difference in their lives.
A huge shoutout to our Social Justice Action group, Ms. Annan, Ms. Miller, and Mr. Griffith, along with his team of superstars, for making the day a huge success.
A massive thank you to everyone who contributed and supported this fantastic day. It's your enthusiasm and spirit that make events like this so special. Enjoy the photos! #ehsmakingadifference #footycoloursday #ehskickinggoals #fightcancerfoundation