06 Nov 2023

What an incredible adventure it was! Year 7 students from classes 7B, 7G, 7I, and 7V, you made the Wattamolla excursion on Thursday, November 2nd, a fantastic experience.
And a big shout-out to the students from classes 7O, 7P, and 7Y who joined us on Friday, November 3rd. You all made the Wattamolla excursion unforgettable!
Our exploration of landscapes and landforms, conducted through the RNP Environment Education Centre, was a great success. Despite the mix of warm and sunny weather on Thursday and the cool and overcast conditions on Friday, we couldn't have asked for a better experience.
Our dedicated instructors from the RNP Environment Education Centre guided us through collecting data using anemometers, hygrometers, GPS, thermometers, tallies, and even helped us showcase our artistic skills through field sketches. The clinometers assisted us in measuring the slopes as we embraced the great outdoors.
What a breathtaking adventure it was at Wattamolla! We're so lucky to have such a magnificent natural resource right on our doorstep.
Thanks Mrs Staples for organising the excursion.