18 Feb 2021

We would also like to welcome those members who are new to our Ensemble Program and look forward to your contributions to the group. Concert Band rehearsal time is Monday morning from 7.30 – 8.30am and all rehearsals will be held in our School Hall. A COVID plan is in place for our rehearsals and students will be talked through the arrangements at our first rehearsal. The Musical Director is Mrs Holloway assisted by Mrs Harrison, our Concert Band Manager.
First rehearsal Monday 15 th Feb
Band fees are $50 per term for participation and $20 per term for instrument hire. This money goes directly into running our band program. Payment of these fees each term would be much appreciated to help with ongoing costs. A family concession rate is available on request. Your band fees include a band shirt.
All students are expected to attend a group tutorial and encouraged to have a regular private lesson. Group tutorials will be available for woodwind, percussion, upper and lower brass. These tutorials are complementary as part of your band fees. Group tutorials times will be advised later this term. Private lessons are at your own expense.
We are looking forward to a fantastic year of music making, and hope to provide many opportunities for performances and workshops. The success of our Concert Band relies on students being enthusiastic, motivated and practicing their music! Thank you in advance for your encouragement and support ensuring they practice regularly and get to band in time.
We would like to request your support in reducing paper usage and waste by using digital copies of practice music. This means students will be taking a photo of their music using a ‘byod’ at rehearsals instead. We understand that is not always practical and will ensure that students can still access a paper copy if required. By reducing our photocopying and scanning, we not only reduce our impact on the environment, we also ensure that our AMCOS compliance maintains integrity. Thank you all in advance for your understanding.
Check out our Showcase of ensemble items from 2020: https://ehs.nsw.edu.au/performing-arts-showcase-concert-2020/
Heather Crawford
HT Performing Arts